WYOMING: Post Office Mailing Letters to Forever
Voice Only
Music Only
We have adjusted ourselves, very well,
to the role of killer.
When we starve,
we kill or go hungry.
Maybe we kill in self defense.
Idiots sometimes kill,
under orders, for the sake of
a laughing god,
a god falling on the floor
with legs kicking high into the air,
barely able to breath,
as some human intones,
"I will kill, now, in the name of
"(fill in the blank).
"I take a life in the name of
"greed, probably not even my own,
"but for those people who will
"turn a profit from my sweat and blood,
"from my nightmares."
How violently we go
into that good night.
After a centuries-long costume party.
All those lovely uniforms.
All those clothes that enhance
the already beautiful beauty
of girls and women.
The insane division of people
from other people.
"You're not from around here."
may be a deadly challenge.
Astronaut Rusty Schweikart took a walk in space and wrote
that the earth, surrounded by the vast darkness of the universe,
contains everything which is and has ever been, "everything
that means anything to you," and all of it, "that little blue and white thing," can be covered by your thumb.
We have sent signals
into the cosmic thing and no thing,
that still invisible, theoretical something.
Inside our marble hearts,
inside our hearts from brass and bullets,
from swords and shields,
we melt back into
the counting hours of the dust,
the seconds contained in the particles
of ground from which we stare,
with and without the eyes to see,
that way beyond, that way before,
that single moment of now
cried by those here,
in their passion, and
in the even greater glory
of that love from which
both hope and disaster are derived.
I remember you
because I was
the one you loved,
and the one who loved you.
I shall never disappear
thank you to the immortal moment
of being here with even
a single flickering
of my heart,
my hand gentle,
my lips with
these words touching your lips,
my lips with
those words touching your lips
in silence, while saying everything,
so much understood and mystifying.