Featured Essays
Liberty Yell: The TRiUMPh of Nothing
It is the night of the 2016 Republican caucus in Nevada, where an exhausted political party has put down a tall stack of chips and rolled snake eyes.
Liberty Yell: Choosing Happiness, or Not
God knows, we need at least one hero to rescue us. And, if you look at the current crop of television shows and movies, you will see an abundance of heroes.
In fact, heroes and world-destroying disasters are both at the center of today's zeitgeist. Eternal salvation and damnation are both on offer, though salvation appears to be fighting an uphill battle.
Liberty Yell: Last Mile Before the Night?
One more major terrorist attack, and we will be faced with an ongoing violation of the concept and practice of freedom.
Liberty Yell: Something Besides the Cult of Death?
Leadership requires thought.
The obvious response, the knee-jerk reaction to the events in Paris, would be to attack the perpetrators. Their hideous violence should be met with more of the same, and this is what has already happened. France and the U.S. have attacked the supposed capital of the Islamic State, Raqaa in Syria.
Liberty Yell: I Was a Stranger and You Invited Me In
And now our humanity will be tested.
Millions of refugees have fled from Syria. Many more people have, sensibly, left their homes in the Middle East, Africa and around the world rather than die from hunger, disease and violence.